Hello, I’m Kristaps Dzenis. I am currently a second-year student pursuing an MSci in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence at Coventry University. A few years ago, I embarked on my journey to fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a software developer by completing a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Computing. I am now furthering my education to obtain an integrated master’s degree.

Beyond formal education, I dedicate my time to expanding my programming knowledge. In my Projects section, you will find not only group projects completed at university but also independent projects I have undertaken. I have a deep interest in all aspects of programming, and my skills, knowledge, and experience are detailed in the my CV, Projects, or Skills sections of this website.

I am currently seeking internship and work placement opportunities in the UK or abroad. For more information or to contact me, please refer to the links below.

Photo of Kristaps Dzenis

My Skills

High level languages

My initial foray into programming began in my early 20s with Visual Basic, which I learned independently out of curiosity. Since then, I have expanded my repertoire to include Python, C#, and C++. I initially taught myself Python and later honed my skills through coursework in college and university. I am proficient in various programming paradigms, including procedural, event-driven, and object-oriented programming. Additionally, I have experience with multiprocessing, multithreading, and networking, which I have applied to develop games, including peer-to-peer online games, and other software projects for practice. Some of my work can be seen in Projects section.

Web Development

My proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is demonstrated through this website, which I designed and developed entirely on my own. This is my second fully completed website. For more details, please visit the Projects section, where you can download the source code files.

Version Control

I have knowledge and experience using the version control system Git, along with the developer platform GitHub.


I have utilized SQLite to create simple relational databases, both independently and as part of my university coursework, often integrating it with Python. For some example, check out Inteligencia de Casa project in Projects section.

Computer science

Through my formal education in college and university, I have gained comprehensive knowledge not only in programming languages but also in cybersecurity, networking, data management, computer architectures, project management, virtualization, and other computer science subjects. I have consistently achieved the highest grades in nearly all of these areas, demonstrating a strong understanding and proficiency.

Photo of HTML logo
Photo of CSS logo
Photo of JS logo
Photo of Python logo
Photo of C# logo
Photo of C++ logo
Photo of SQL logo
Photo of Git logo

Curriculum Vitae

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Download CV (.pdf) here >>

Photo of first page of CV
Photo of second page of CV


Earth Defender

Earth Defender is a 2-dimensional space dogfight game inspired by classic arcade games and created entirely by me. The game is coded solely in Python, utilizing various programming paradigms including procedural, object-oriented, event-driven, and functional. It features a start menu screen, game win and loss screens, three levels, score, ammunition and player health tracking, two different types of enemies, and three distinctive boss fights, each with unique behaviors.

Feel free to download the code files or visit the GitHub repository below!

Inteligencia de Casa

Inteligencia de Casa is a Year 1 university group project developed by a team of six members, where I held the technical leadership role, guiding the project's programming aspects. This project conceptualizes a smart home mobile application for monitoring and controlling smart devices. The application utilizes the MQTT protocol and dummy data to simulate real smart device data. It incorporates multiple programming languages, including Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQLite.

Awarded 86%

Feel free to download the code files or visit the GitHub repository below!

Digital Portfolio Website

This website is fully developed by me, Kristaps Dzenis, without using templates or website builders. It serves as a testament to my skills, an introduction to myself, and a platform to showcase my projects. Every line of code is manually written using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website is designed in a single-page style with four distinct sections, featuring my contact information, displayed CV, dark/light mode, download links, and a responsive design compatible with mobile devices.

Feel free to download the code files or visit the GitHub repository below!